Hey and welcome to my new website!!

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy 🙂

As you know, this blog is about Habbo Retros – a fun game where you can chat, make rooms, meet friends and more (look on page entitled Habbo Retros for more information)

I love all the Retros, but my favorite is Zap Hotel, although sometimes it’s on maintenance breaks (you can add ScarletWaters – that’s me :D) and sometimes I like to play on Fresh hotel.

First of all, I would like to tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Scarlet, Scarlet Waters (you can call me Scar :)), and I’m 15 years old. The usual way of spelling my name is Scarlett but mines Scarlet as in the colour. I enjoy listening to music, playing on my laptop and playing with animals. I have lots of pets, including: Hamsters, Guinea pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, fish, etc, and I also have a pony but obvs that’s not at my house! My fave colour is pink and my birthday is on the 25th of April.

Now you know a bit about me, feel free to tell me a bit about yourself. You can email me (my address is below) or tweet me, etc. I won’t be able to reply to everyone, but I will try to reply to as many people as I can.

If you have any queries, complaints, compliments, competition entries, or need to contact me for any reason (I like to chat to people xD) here’s how you can:

Email: scar_waters@hotmail.com

Twitter: @ThatScarGirl

Facebook: Scarlet Waters

Thanks and I hope you enjoy exploring my blog 🙂 I will post some more soon!!! 😀

-Scar xxx